Buyer Side Transaction (Agent Support)

Follow this process when you receive an offer in which our agents represent the buyers. This checklist must also be completed when any amendments, waivers, or notice of fulfillments are received.


  1. Open the buyer transaction checklist
    • Fill in Buyer’s Name, Property Address, Agent’s Name (our agent)
    • Amendments or cancellations should have Cliffs name on them, not the agents
    • Check off the documents that you have received
    • Verify that documents are filled in correctly, have all needed signatures and initials (if missing anything send email to agent asking them to send you a completed copy)
    • Save documents to property address folder under Deals 2020 (ex: streetname - 123) (create new folder if does not exist)
  2. Ensure all deal paperwork is forwarded to the deal secretary
    • Create Transaction in Lone Wolf: select add under transactions sub-menu, select Rego Realty Inc, Brokerage, fill in all information.
  • Selling Side = buyer’s agent

  • Listing Side = listing agent

  • Office Double Ender = buyer’s agent and listing agent were both from our brokerage

  • Agent Double Ender = our agent represented the buyer and the seller 

Commission Information
  • Type in our agents name and which side they are on

  • Side Count is typically = 1

  • Commission can be found in the COOP when we are the buyer’s agent

Conditions (if applicable)
  • Conditions and their expiry date are found in schedule A of the APS 

Business Contacts
  • Insert the lawyer’s information here if given, typically can be found under Acknowledgment section of APS (typically page 5)

Outside Brokers and Referrals
  • Fill in information about agent who is not from our brokerage

  • If we are the buyer’s agent we will not know the commission for the listing agent 

After completing all the sections hit Submit under the commission information section to send to the deals secretary

  • Under same transaction page select Documents and Tasks, drag and drop all files to right location and submit (can add more files using the add button)

  • Active Listings Sheet: if conditional add conditions to pending sheet, if firm add info to sold sheet (see tracking transaction due dates for more information:

  • Hubspot: search if deal has already been created by going to sales then deals then search by property address, if does not exist go to create deal (orange button on right side) and fill in information (see creating HubSpot Deal for more detailed instructions:

  • Hubspot Tasks: open deal and go to tasks, also click on contact name and click tasks, follow instructions to complete tasks and mark as completed

  • Resale Overview: open sheet named resale overview (found in important docs folder in inbox), add information on deal to correct sheet for the current week

  • Transaction Number: check if transaction number has populated in Lone Wolf. If so, rename the property folder to: trans# - street name - street #

  • FINTRAC: fill in information from FINTRAC, if we do not have FINTRAC for that file remind the agent that we need it

If an amendment, waiver or notice of fulfillment is received, repeat all steps of checklist