Cheques - Being Dropped off/Picked Up

Client Dropping off Deposit Cheque:

  1. Client comes in and says they have a deposit to drop off. Take cheque, verify correct name of client, unit number if applicable and make sure it is addressed to Corcoran Horizon Realty. (New Dev cheques are addressed differently so just bring to Alan to confirm it’s correct) 
  2. If in Kitchener, Advise client to wait in lounge and bring cheque upstairs to create receipt. 
  3. Fill out RECEIPT form located in bookmarks with information from cheque and then print. Once printed, take cheque and place it on the sheet within bottom box outline and make a copy of it (scan). That copy then goes to the customer. Make another copy of it but don’t print it, just scan to admin email. 
  4. Hand customer paper copy showing receipt and cheque on it and forward scanned receipt to accounting, Megan and the associated agent. If resale, save scan to deal folder.
  5. If cheque is for New Homes, give to Alan.  If it is made out to Corcoran Horizon give to Megan or Travis. 

Client Picking Up Cheque

When cheques are ready to be picked up, they will be located in a bin at Reception (Kitchener) or the Keybox (Gaslight) along with a sign out form to fill out when the client arrives.

  1. When client arrives check if cheque is there. If it is, check to see if there is a Deposit Return form filled out for it already. If yes, check ID and get them to sign it. If not, fill out the “sign out” sheet. Make sure to ask for ID from whoever is picking it up and that they sign before handing anything over.
  2. When the client is gone, take form and scan into admin email. Forward to Megan and associated agent to let them know it’s been picked up.