CMA Best Practices

CMA Best Practices/Scripting


  • Call clients for introduction, appointment confirmation, and additional info on the property
  • Prepare a market analysis on Matrix, pull comparables, save comparable pics/tabs etc.
  • Use GeoWarehouse, MPAC for more information
  • Research the neighborhood, schools etc.
  • Grab some leave-behinds from the office (Grand Mag, flyers etc)
  • Determine a price range for the property


  • Always assume you are competing with another Realtor 
  • Dress professionally and for the property
  • Be punctual, get to the property early and drive around the neighborhood
  • Be focused (drive in silence or take 5 mins in your car before the meeting)
  • Make sure your phones are off or on vibrate
  • Be confident


  • Eye contact and speak with authority
  • Introduce yourself and thank them for requesting the visit
  • Take control, determine how the visit will proceed
  • Do an initial tour
    • Always take notes
    • Listen to the client and speak less
    • Get to know the client and observe what is in the house
    • Understand what is the most important to them
    • Focus on positives in the property
    • Be genuine
    • Ease their stress when they speak to items they are concerned about
    • Refer to services we provide to mitigate their concerns
    • Ask them why this house is great
    • Ask why they bought the house
    • Ask why they want to sell


  • Sit at the kitchen table or dining room table with the clients
  • Bring comparables and know them well (bring printouts or have them up on your tablet/laptop)
  • Gauge their reactions to the comparables you show
  • Ask if they fall in the range that they had imagined
  • Highlight the comparables that are closely related to their property (similar, proximity, recent sale)
  • Speak to the current market state
  • Speak to how many sales we’ve had to GTA buyers in the last year (incl. pre-con)
  • Go into detail about the difference of being registered on TRREB vs just listing on TRREB 
  • Show recent sales that have gone over asking price
  • Speak to how much money we have made for our clients this way
  • Show off top 5 that have sold in the last year and how our strategy was better than other brokerages
  • Use examples, such as other brokers will list really low to get 100K over asking to promote themselves, where we can list higher and get up to 250K over.
  • Bring Rego up but don’t bring other brokerages down
  • If get a sense that they don’t want to sell or are too surprised at the sale pricing, speak to other options (ie. investing with their equity, waiting a few months etc.)
  • Speak about a price range and strategies to get to a number that they would be happy with.

Listing Presentation:

  • Talk to each slide, rather than reading them
  • Highlight marketing/social media (show examples)
  • Explain TRREB and why it is so important for maximizing their profits
  • Explain the “Team” aspect and why it’s different than other brokerages
  • How they get more value from a Team brokerage
  • Talk about staging and the consultation process
  • Use statistics to back up our success
  • Show sample videos/iguide/photos and explain how we are all-inclusive
  • We are all on the same team with the same end goal
  • My strength is not in marketing or videography, so we have experts on the team…..

Conclusion/Follow Up:

  • Commission discussion (you get what you pay for, the value we bring vs others)
  • Leave behinds (CMA package, marketing materials etc)
  • Thank them again for the opportunity
  • Set up a follow up before you leave (call or visit)
  • Be humble and confident
  • You hire us for strategy and for getting your property in front of the maximum # of people in order to maximize your profits