When a new member joins the brokerage, new tenant, new cafe employee or someone requires fob access see below.
Navigate to https://sonitrol.com
Login with your credentials:
If you do not have a login, contact Chelsea Lahey: chelsea@regorealty.ca to obtain access.
On the home page > right hand side:
Choose the location they have access to (repeat steps for each office)
Select Users:
Create User:
Enter contact info
Card Number: first digits on the FOB after *
Pin Number is the first 3 letters of last name to T9 i.e., LAH = 524
Access Level:
Visitor - All doors Except for 1-4 (Studio and Server Room)
Door 1-1 (Back door)
System User: Arm/disarm level
Access Code begins with Kitchener - 3354 or Cambridge - 1764 + Pin
Door changes, cleaners schedule and hours are completed by Sonitrol - changes@sonitrolcanada.com or call for immediate
Delete users when they leave company
If you obtain a faded FOB, ensure to put masking tape on the fob and write in the number.