Creekside Trail - DocuSign Process

Occupancy Dates: 1. Block 1 will be March 2023, Block 2 will be April 2023, etc. - No units can have the same Closing date, as well, no Monday or Friday closings.

  1. Navigate to and login:
    1. Username:
    2. Password:
  1. Click New > Send an Envelope


    1. Upload Pre-Filled Documents from Deal Portal 
      i. APS 
      ii. Confirmation of Co-operation
      iii. Buyer Rep, WWR (if applicable, only used when Rego agent represents the buyer)
      iii. Fintracs/PEPs (save to google drive)
    1. Select Template: Creekside Trail Sales Documents
      i. The Template should automatically pop-up like the below screenshot:

ii. However, if it does not automatically pop-up; you can select the dots located on the APS document and hit Apply Templates

iii. Select the desired template and click 'Apply Selected'

c. Enter the purchaser's name and email address from the worksheet in the designated purchaser fields

  • Remove any additional purchaser fields that are not required by clicking the garbage can (example: only 1 purchaser on the worksheet, therefore purchaser 2 + 3 can be deleted).
  • Fill in the cooperating agent's details in the 'Agent' Box as they will need to sign the cooperating agreement.
  • The executor for Creekside Trail will be Kevin Smith (

d. Kindly ensure the documents are uploaded in the following order:

i. APS

ii. Confirmation of Co-op

v. Add the Unit number to the Email Subject and add your name at the bottom of the Email Message

f. Once all documents are added and the template is applied, click 'Next'

3. APS

a. Mark where the unit is located on the map and have purchasers/executor initial next to it:

b. Ensure all initials and signatures are placed IN THE CORRECT ORDER (E.g. purchaser name matches where that purchaser is signing)

NOTE: If the APS is in a corporation name, please set up all signing lines like the following:

c. On page 31, the Occupancy dates need to be filled out with textboxes. To do so, please see the instructions as follows:

i. Navigate to the Tarion Critical Dates Calculator in the favourites tab

ii. Select 'Condominium Tentative' from the options on the bottom of the page

iii. Enter the tentative occupancy date, and it will generate all needed dates:

d. Enter all the dates on the agreement via textboxes.

4. Confirmation of Co-op

a. Indicate the address of the site and the townhome number in the address line

b. Have the purchasers, co-op agent, seller (executor), and listing agent initial in the corresponding bubble

c. Co-op agent can fill out their own details; provide textboxes for them to do so. 

7. Prior to hitting send, verify all initials, signatures and date signed have been placed, and verify that all purchasers and agent are listed as '1' in the signing order, and that the executor is LAST. Then, hit send. 

8. Send 'Agreement is awaiting your signature' to purchaser(s) and coop agent to let them know that the agreement has been sent.