Downloading an iGuide

This is the process to follow when a new iGuide report has been received in the inbox.


  1. Create a folder within 2024 Property Photos labelled by the property’s address

  2. Open the iGuide email and under download click Low-Res Image Gallery, this will download a zip file of the images, save under property folder in 2024 Property Photos

  3. Repeat step for Hi-Res Image Gallery

  4. Open the property photos folder, you should see two separate zip files.

  5. Click to open one of the zip folders, you will have to click on the icon multiple times until you get to the folder where you can see thee actual images.

  6. Copy all images in the folder and paste into a new folder within the property photos folder, repeat for both folders

  7. Label the low-res folder: MLS and the hi-res folder: HI RES

  8. Once the MLS and HI RES folder has been created, delete the zip folders

Make sure once the photos have been downloaded, kindly forward the iGuide email to the Listing Agent,.