HubSpot Transaction (Buyer)

When we receive a new deal and are going through the buyer’s side transaction Checklist- we need to create a HubSpot deal and these are the step to follow.


  1. Log into Hubspot using the Admin Login

  2. Click on Contacts in the top left corner:

  3. :Select either Contacts or Companies from the drop-down menu based on who the buyer in your transaction is

  4. Search for the Contact in the Search box: 

If no contact exists, please contact the agent and ask for the contact info or ask them to input the contact info into Hubspot.

5. Click on the name when it appears

6. Click on the existing deal/create new deal if needed

    • Ensure the deal name is formatted as “Address., City” / "Unit-Address, City"
    • Ensure the Pipeline is on “Buyer Pipeline” for Purchases or “Renter Pipeline” for Leases
    • Select the Deal Stage, based on the Documents that you have (Conditional or Firm)
    • Enter the Purchase Amount
    • Enter the Close Date
    • If Deal Source is blank, check the contact's source or ask agent
    • Ensure the Deal Property Type is correct
    • Ensure the Deal owner (the Agent who represented the Buyer)