Investment Upsell Script

Target Outcomes:  

  1. Open clients’ minds to investing in real estate

  2. Recruit to seminar to learn more

  3. Set a meeting to educate, identify goals and move into buying process.

  4. Get consent to add to our investor email list.

  5. Set appointment to show them properties


Tips for using this add-on script:  

Add this verbiage into the conversations you have with clients and prospects.  For example (Top Producer scripts /Follow Up calls with past clients, casual conversations with prospects, etc.  It is also is a good ‘excuse’ to call old contacts at random) 

Cut out script and pin on your wall.

The other reason i wanted to reach out / By the way …

You might know that there are members of Rego Realty who have been involved in real estate investing ( other words, buying houses and having someone else pay the mortgage while property values increase.)

This is actually how many of our clients have been building their wealth as well.  

It’s easier than most people think and our team makes it as simple and turn-key as possible for our clients.

If interested, we can give you more information about it and fill you in on our ‘Group Buy’ deals, Guaranteed Tenant programs and things like that.

In fact, we have a Free Investment Seminar coming up on the evening of 
<insert next seminar date>.   

Are you free? / You need to come to this! / I really think you should check it out!