Social Media - LinkedIn

Tips for updating the Rego Realty LinkedIn feed.

To log into LinkedIn, you must sign in to Cliff Rego’s account. All posts should be made to Cliff Rego’s personal page. When sharing a post, change wording such as “Contact us” to “Contact me”. Make sure to invite connections from “Admin Tools” to the Rego Realty Page every other week.

To switch to Rego Realty’s LinkedIn:

  1. Click on Cliff Rego’s profile picture:
  2. Then select on the page you manage:

LinkedIn Polls

Do a real estate poll once/twice a week.

LinkedIn Articles

Post website blogs as LinkedIn Articles. Add relevant hashtags.

Listing/Fluff Posts

Copy & Paste from Instagram/Facebook. 

Make sure to shorten the link using Bitly.

Comments and messages are to be answered/managed by Client Care (ISA). If you see an outstanding item for more than 4 hours, screenshot and send to