General Process: Processing a Deal

From processing a worksheet to the firming up of the deal

1. Receiving a worksheet + ID

- Create a file under the project name in the Google Drive; the name will just be the unit number.

- Save ID & the worksheet to this file. You can name them as follows: Unit number-ID, Unit Number-Worksheet

2. Enter all Unit. ID & Contact Information in Deal Portal

- Deal Portal Instructions: Change Company/Building to applicable site, Click “Sales” on the left hand side, Click “Add +” to add a new sale. 

- Select the applicable unit number, and ensure all details are correct (price, locker/parking), then add if there is a co-op agent

- Click “Customers” then click “Add +”, add all applicable information.

- Ensure deposit amounts are correct under “Deposit” Tab

3. Once all information is entered, click “Save”

4. After hitting “Save”, go back into the Sale & go over into Documents

- Hit Generate Documents (if needed)

- Double check that all information generated correctly

- Save Documents into the file (APS, Fintrac(s), Co-op form, Buyer Rep/Customer Service, WWR, Receipt, Tarion Receipt, etc)

5. Send Documents for Signature in DocuSign

- Double check that all information is correct, all signatures/initials/dates have been added then hit send (we use templates so all signatures should be where needed)

- Add in agent & 1 purchaser as #1 on the signing order, and the executor will always be the last person in the signing order.

When a company is going on title:

- Structure the signing line as follows:

ABC Company
I have authority to bind the Corporation

6. Send “Agreement is Awaiting your Signature” email to purchasers & agent

- This email will contain important information regarding cheques, the DocuSign, etc.
- Add to daily news under 'Pending'

- Follow-up within 2 days if the deal has not yet been signed.

7. Once Purchaser signs & the documents are executed, send “Executed Agreement” email

- Remember to attach: APS, Receipt, Condominiums Documents & all applicable documents for the purchaser’s records

- Contains further cheque information, when their 10-days is up, etc
- Follow-up for deposits if applicable
- Add to daily news under 'Conditional' and mark as conditional in Deal Portal

8. Once their deal is firm,  send 'Firm Deal' email

- Follow-up on waiver if not signed; must be signed by all purchasers before the firm date

- Add to daily news under 'Firm' and 'Firm ups Today'

- Most sites do not use a waiver and it will just firm up automatically at 11:59 pm on their firm date.

9. Once the deal is firm, add to LoneWolf, the New Homes Master List, and Deal Portal

For LoneWolf:

Make sure you are using the new home calculator for the sale price.
This will depend on the builder if its off the residential price or the overall price
including parking, etc. (Strata and Rainbow are on the overall price). If you’re not sure
confirm with accounting.
1. Offer date use the date the unit became firm.
2. Close date will depend on the builder, but you can find that on the APS.
3. When entering the address always ensure it matches the same for all units under that builder. This is extremely important for reporting.
4. Add buyer’s name.
5. Add Sellers Name, you can find that on the APS as well but for Strata and Rainbow its on the
excel sheet provided to you.
6. If you see Jim & Humberto on a COOP, please use “New Homes – Listing” as the category.
7. Add coop brokerage and include 50% of the commission when setting up the deal.
a. E.g., total commission 3% only add 1.5% when setting up the deal

For Deal Portal:

As units are added, you can go in & change the status of the unit. This is important because it tracks our total sales for the reports.
- Click on Unit, then scroll down to the “Status” drop down menu

- Click 'Firm'

Once this is completed, add all signed documents (except for OREA paperwork) into the documents section.


Instructions for this can be found under the HubSpot Section in the Knowledge Base.