Scheduling Meeting in HubSpot

This is to schedule meetings with Realtors (buyer appointments, CMA appointments, etc.)

1. Click on the clients name i.e., Jatinder

Click on the clients name i.e., Jatinder

2. Click on Schedule a meeting

Click on Schedule a meeting

3. Type in the Subject line

Type in the Subject line

4. Click on 2 attendees

Click on 2 attendees

5. Type the agent who is meeting the client i.e., Linda Cabral

Ensure you select the agent whose email is

Type the agent who is meeting the client i.e., Linda Cabral

6. Ensure all details are included (date/time/location)

Ensure all details are included (date/time/location)

7. Click on Save

Click on Save

Continue to update the Deal:

There should always be a deal created on the clients profile once a client type is selected. Do not add additional deals - this will cause duplicates


1. Select the Deal with Buyer Inquiry/Appointment Scheduled/Active Buyer stage

Select the Deal with Buyer Inquiry/Appointment Scheduled/Active Buyer stage

2. Edit the deal name to the property

Edit the deal name to the property

3. Example "123 Main St., Cambridge"

Note: This must be formatted the same Street Number, Name, City

Example "123 Main St., Cambridge"

4. Enter the Amount of their budget/price of home

Enter the Amount

5. Click on Save

Click on Save

6. Change the Stage by clicking on Buyer Inquiry

Change the Stage by clicking on Buyer Inquiry

7. Click on Appointment Scheduled

Click on Appointment Scheduled

8. Enter the Deal Property Type

Enter the Deal Property Type

9. Click on Date ISA Booked Appointment (Not appointment date)

Click on Date ISA Booked Appointment (Not appointment date)

10. Add the Agent who is attending the appointment

Add the Agent who is attending the appointment

11. Enter the Deal Source

Enter the Deal Source

12. Save



Please ensure to record internal notes for the agent to log into HubSpot and see their meeting information prior to attending.