Seller Calls

This is the procedure to follow if you receive a call from an interested seller, usually, a person will call asking about a free home estimate offer from one of our ads.


  1. After greeting them, they will inquire about our offered free home estimates, or about our sales procedure. Tell them you would be happy to help them and you just need to collect some information before you can get them in touch with the best agent for their property.

If they are an interested seller, you must fill out all their information on our GREEN SHEETS for leads under the Seller Category

2. Do not put the potential seller on hold, if someone else calls prioritize the call with the potential seller

3. Collect as much information as you can to fill out the green sheet. If they are unsure about certain information or do not want to disclose it to you tell them it is no problem and be friendly.

  • Ask them if weekdays or weekends work best for them to schedule the appointment

  • Thank them for their time and let them know that someone will be in touch with them shortly to schedule an appointment

4. Scan a copy of the Green Sheet

  • email a copy to Client Care Personnel (Chanel)