Strata - DocuSign Process

Prepare DocuSign:

  1. Navigate to and login:
    1. Username:
    2. Password:
  1. Click New > Send an Envelope


    1. Upload Pre-Filled Documents from Google Drive > Shared Drives > Rego Realty Deals > New Homes Deals > Strata
      i. APS 
      ii. Confirmation of Co-operation, Buyer Rep, WWR (if applicable, only used when Rego agent represents the buyer)
      iii. Cooperating Agreement (If applicable - listings agents for project do NOT receive this agreement as they do not get cooperating commission. Jim and Danezra are examples)
      iv. Assignment Incentive
    2. Select Template: Strata_Sales Documents
      i. The Template should automatically pop-up like the below screenshot:

ii. However, if it does not automatically pop-up; you can select the dots located on the APS document and hit Apply Templates

iii. Select the desired template and click 'Apply Selected'

c. Enter the purchaser's name and email address from the worksheet in the designated purchaser fields

  • Remove any additional purchaser fields that are not required by clicking the garbage can (example: only 1 purchaser on the worksheet, therefore purchaser 2 + 3 can be deleted).
  • Fill in the cooperating agent's details in the 'CC 1' Box as they will need to sign the cooperating agreement.
  • The executor for Rainbow Lake will be Jennifer Rose (

e. Kindly ensure the documents are uploaded in the following order:

i. APS

II. Assignment Incentive Amendment (save from Deal Portal)

iii. Tarion Receipt

iv. Confirmation of Co-op, Buyer Rep, WWR

i. Add the Suite number to the Email Subject and add your name at the bottom of the Email Message

f. Once all documents are added and the template is applied, click 'Next'

3. APS

a. Next, go through the APS and locate the floorplan on Page 39. Using the keyplate located in the Documents section in the Strata folder, locate the units location and mark it on the floorplan in the APS

i. The keyplate separates suites located between Levels 2-4, 5, and 6-24. Look at the corresponding page that the suite is on, and find the correct unit number.

ii. Navigate back to the Page 39 of the APS, and use a Textbox to indicate the suite location:

b. Navigate to Pages 49-50 (EFT Schedule) and fill out the needed info:

i. The deposits will generate from Deal Portal

ii. Leave textboxes for Jennifer to fill out the deposit dates for the 'EFT Withdrawal' Section. However, do not leave a textbox for the occupancy (last) deposit.

iii. Under the 'Account and Financial Institution Details' section, type in the information from the void cheque received.

v. Have the purchaser(s) sign the following lines on the second page. Also, have Jennifer and purchaser(s) initial both pages of the EFT Form.

NOTE: Please ensure void cheque details are correct prior to sending, and ensure the name on the void cheque matches the purchaser's names. If the name on the void cheque does not match any of the purchaser's names, the account holder will have to sign off on the following line:

NOTE: Whether the purchaser or name on the void cheque is a corporation, please set up the signing lines as follows. The corporation will still sign on the 'Name of Account holder (if different from Purchaser) section.

NOTE: If the APS is in a corporation name, please set up all signing lines like the following:


4. Assignment Incentive

a. Navigate to the 'Assignment Incentive' Document

i. Have all purchasers and Jennifer initial the bottom of the 1st and 2nd page:


5. Cooperating Agreement

a. Place text boxes for the cooperating agent to fill out all details

i. Have them sign, date and print their name on the bottom section of first page

ii. Jennifer to sign on Vendor line

b. Agent to sign 'Registered Salesperson' line on second page

i. Jennifer to sign Vendor line on second page

6. Tarion Receipt

i. Ensure all purchasers names and unit number has loaded from Deal Portal. Add via textbox if necessary

ii. Leave deposit date blank - this will be filled out when you notice that $20,000.00 has been deposited from the lawyers office.

iii. Have all purchasers sign under the Purchaser section

vi. Jennifer to sign and date under Vendor portion

10. Prior to hitting send, verify all initials, signatures and date signed have been placed, and verify that all purchasers and agent are listed as '1' in the signing order, and that the executor is LAST. Then, hit send. 

7. Send 'Agreement is awaiting your signature' to purchaser(s) and coop agent to let them know that the agreement has been sent.